Nice to meet you and I hope we can work very well together as I want full time marketer for me. As you will see I’m selling Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which is a highly in demand item but also getting more and more competitive so I want to move quickly to secure as many leads, clients, and customers as possible. I’m open to having you work for me FULL TIME as much as possible and especially if we can get some results. As with all marketing, it’s trial and error but what I’m really looking for is larger buyers so I wanted to post EVERYWHERE in Mexico, Central America, South America because these areas are very hard hit from CoronaVirus and I have close location to ship to these Countries.
I was initially trying to post on Craiglist in Spanish but it keeps saying “AD BLOCKED” so I’m not sure why but you can advise.
I also want to post ALL in Canada as well on Craiglist and any other sites. If we have to pay for the ads we post I’m fine with this also if you think it’s worth a try.
Overall, I just want ONGOING ads and exposure everywhere you can possibly think of so I’ll let you guide the campaign and I have a large budget especially if we are getting results.
Phone: (800) 427-9150
Keywords: KN95, N95, 3 PLY, FACE MASK(S)